April Updates from the Board

Greetings and thank you for finding this article. If you are here, I assume you have an interest in the Monadnock Food Co-op and the role it plays in our community. If you are not yet a Member-Owner, I encourage you to consider joining our ever-growing ranks to be part of the foundation that supports the Co-op. In return for your support, Member- ownership provides:

  • Quarterly 10% Off Discount
  • 10% off Case Pre-Orders
  • Patronage Dividends During Profitable Years (proportional to the amount you spend)
  • Voting privileges and invitation to participate in the Co-op’s annual meeting
  • Run For a Position on the Board

If you are already a member-owner, perhaps you would consider joining our board. We look for people who:

  • Are able to hold management accountable effectively and reasonably.
  • Have a temperament that is deliberative, decisive and thoughtful.
  • Possess collaborative skills/capacity.
  • Are committed to our work in increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Have a range of different relationships, experiences, or perspectives.
  • Are comfortable with learning that may challenge one’s current perspectives.
  • Have financial aptitude and interest.

In return, you will receive access to a large library of educational resources, in-person training, monthly perks, and the thoughtful fellowship of a group of kind, bright people.

To learn more about both membership and board service, please join us for coffee and questions with the board on Thursday, April 18th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the Co-op’s café.

Yours cooperatively,
Carrie Bergeron
Board of Directors, Monadnock Food Co-op