Our Board of Directors

Meet Our Board!
The Monadnock Food Co-op’s Board of Directors plays a vital role in the success and sustainability of our co-op. They provide guidance, strategic planning, and oversight for our co-op. They help ensure the store is run in a way that is financially responsible, socially conscious, and genuinely responsive to the wide interests of our Member-Owners.
The Co-op Board of Directors uses three guiding documents for their work:
1. Articles of Incorporation. These describe who we are, how we are organized, and where our business is located. Any changes must be voted on by Member-Owners.
2. Our By-Laws guide our principles and processes. Any changes must be voted on by Member-Owners.
3. Policy Register. This defines the roles and responsibilities of both the General Manager and the Board of Directors.
Member-Owners are welcome to attend a board meeting. Our board meets on the third Monday of the month from 4:45 – 6:45 pm. We leave time at the beginning of each meeting for Member-Owner feedback and questions. For more information or to RSVP to attend, e-mail [email protected] or the board at [email protected]
Member-Owners in good standing are welcome to run for the Board of Directors. Interested parties should contact Trish Campbell at the board’s email address.

Interested in Joining Our Board of Directors?
Would you like to learn more or have specific questions? Email Trish Campbell, Nominating Committee Chair!
Click here to download our Board of Directors Packet and learn more about our application process.
Please email us at [email protected] — one of our existing board members would be happy to chat and tell you more about what it’s like to be on the board.

Dee Fitzgerald
Dee brings a wealth of experience in Marketing and PR as W.S. Badger’s Executive Communication’s Manager. Additionally, she serves as the Board President & Acting Director of the Monadnock International Film Festival. "Our co-op is like a home away from home."

Carolyn Crane
Carolyn is retired from a 40-year career in human services management in Cheshire County. She appreciates all that our locally owned food co-op brings to our community. She is proud of the work the Board is doing to support the success of our co-op.

Ed Selby
Ed knows from experience, the personal benefits one gains from being active in the community, having served as a member and President of two Boards of Education as well as several other boards and community organizations. “The co-op is an exciting place with a great future.”

Trish Campbell
Trish’s passion is preventative medicine and maintaining health; retired from a career as a Pediatrician at Dartmouth Health. She particularly loves how the Co-op is instrumental in providing healthy, local food, interesting classes and promoting a healthy environment.

Sandy Hamm
Sandy was involved in the early development of our Co-op, growing membership and outreach. She is nurtured in seeing the spirit and generosity of folks who come together to make this work. When Sandy is out of the area, she makes a point of visiting other Co-ops.

Carrie Bergeron
Carrie feels the Co-op is a place you can support the community at many levels. You may be connected as shoppers, Member-owners, employees, venders, or board members.

Sue Lefferts
Sue is no stranger to Co-ops, having worked for REI in another life. It was there that she grew her appreciation for cooperative principles and values. Sue is an avid lover of the outdoors; you’ll often find her on her bike, hiking and exploring the beauty of nature. She’s excited to bring her cooperative experience and teamwork skills to her role on the board.

Georgia Tasoulas
Georgia is a lifelong member of the Monadnock region. When joining the Board in 2024, Georgia said she looked forward to serving her community and continuing the success of the Co-op.

George Tremblay
George has been voted on by the Board of Directors to fill a one-year vacancy left by a departing Board Director. George is a long-standing member of the community and has been a Member-Owner longer than there's been a building! George comes to the board will extensive knowledge in psychology, and a deep passion for building community.
News from The Board

November Board Updates
Gratitude and Stewardship encompassed the essence of this year’s Annual Meeting. We are grateful for the hard work and cooperative efforts of our staff, for the…

October Board News
You’re Invited! Please join us for the 2024 Annual Meeting, celebrating another successful year at the Co-op! The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24th,…

September Board News
Greetings, Member-Owners! As fall approaches, it is time once again to vote on issues affecting our Co-op. During this election cycle, Member-Owners will vote for new…