The Monadnock Food-Co-op’s 2nd Annual Meeting is just around the corner. We have a lot to celebrate, from the start of construction to welcoming our 1,000th Member-Owner. Three of us: Jay Smeltz, Susan Ashworth and I, are also celebrating the year anniversary of our nominations to the Monadnock Food Co-op Board of Directors.
Each year there are three openings on the Co-op’s Board of Directors. There are two ways to be considered for a position on the Board. An interested member can submit a board candidate application which includes a statement of interest to the nominating committee, or a member can be nominated through a petition signed by signed by at least fifty eligible voting co-op members. All candidates must be current Member-Owners in good standing. If you wish to submit a nomination petition the deadline is September 15, 2012 and can be submitted to [email protected].
To be a Board Member you must want to serve your community – that is the beginning of a great Board member. You don’t need to be an expert on produce, construction or fundraising, and other board experience isn’t required. What is required is a passion for our community and the drive to make it a better place for all. The next thing you need is two to three hours a week to work on board-related activities. Some weeks it may be less, others it may be more. Specific information about the nomination process can be found in the Co-op’s by-laws.
In general, the Co-op supports a 9 person board; new members will be elected at the annual meeting. Although the nominations committee has filled its seats for this coming election, it is always seeking potential candidates for unexpected openings and future elections. If serving on the board is something that interests you, we would love to hear from you, please email us at [email protected].
Current board members are always available to discuss your questions, comments or concerns. Please email us at [email protected].
Your current Board members are:
• Susan Ashworth, Director of Community Relations, Home Healthcare, Hospice & Community Services
• Ed Guyot, CPA/Partner, John G Burk and Associates
• Kathy Harrington, Executive Director, Monadnock United Way
• Joe Marks, President, Baudelaire Inc.
• Deborah O’Meara, Vice President, Keene Industrial Paper Co.
• Jay Smeltz, HR Coordinator, W.S. Badger
• Len Weldon, Oral Surgery
• Jamie L. J. White, Development Associate, Southwestern Community Services, Inc.
Additional information about the Board can be found on the Co-op’s website: