Interested in volunteering on a board committee? The Board has three active committees: the Member Linkage, Board Development and Board Nominating Committees….

Cave to Co-op December Special: Boucher Blue
Boucher Blue raw cow milk, natural rind blue cheese Green Mountain Blue Cheese, Highgate Center, VT The history of the Lake Champlain…

Co-operator of the Year: Sandy Hamm
Congratulations to the 2014 Monadnock Food Co-op Co-operator of the Year: Sandy Hamm We announced the inaugural Monadnock Food Co-op Co-operator of…

Cave to Co-op November Special: Paisley Blue
Paisley Blue raw sheep and cow milk, natural rind Bonnieview Farm, Albany, VT Bonnieview Farm is a sheep and cow dairy located…

Laurie’s Got the Beet
Congratulations to Laurie Piispanen – our fourth employee to receive the Monadnock Food Co-op’s “Beet Award.” She goes above and beyond for…
Annual Meeting Celebration Volunteering
There are volunteer opportunities for this Year’s Annual Meeting & Celebration. If you are interested in one or more of the following…

Cave to Co-op October Special: Lillé Bébé
Lillé Bébé pasteurized cow milk, bloomy rind Vermont Farmstead Cheese Co., S. Woodstock, VT The Vermont Farmstead Cheese Company is the first…

Staff Favorite: Bonne Bouche
Agela, our Cheese Buyer, shares this about her favorite cheese, Bonne Bouche from Vermont Creamery in Websterville, VT:Bonne Bouche translates to “good…

Cave to Co-op September Special: Alpha Tolman
Alpha Tolman raw cow milk, brine washed natural rind cheese Jasper Hill Farm, Greensboro, VT After 5 years studying cheesemaking and developing…
Mark Your Calendars: Co-op Annual Meeting is October 25th
Mark your calendars for the Monadnock Food Co-op’s Annual Meeting. This year’s theme is: Own, Use, Serve, Belong, Celebrate! It’s a mantra…
We Want Your Co-operator of the Year Award Nominations
We are especially pleased to announce the inaugural Monadnock Food Co-op Co-operator of the Year Award, to be presented at our Annual…

Cave to Co-op August Special: Pawlet
Pawlet raw cow milk, natural rind Consider Bardwell Farm, West Pawlet, VT Consider Bardwell Farm in West Pawlet Vermont is a producer…