Once each month a dedicated group of nine people meets together with Michael Faber, our General Manager, and other staff leaders to monitor the strength and well-being of our co-op and to plan for its healthy future.
We members of the board are guided by core documents, including a policy register defining the roles and responsibilities of both the General Manager and the Board of Directors. We are further guided by our “Ends Statement” which outlines the key results we aim toward, like fostering the growth of sustainable local food systems and providing a marketplace that welcomes and connects the community. We are also guided by national co-op resources that help us to govern and to develop our capacities as board members. These resources provide clarity of purpose and essential support, making board work engaging, meaningful, and deeply satisfying.
By every important measure, our food co-op is a gratifying success story. But this is no place to linger! We have important work ahead to sustain the satisfaction of our member-owners, to continue to strengthen our connection with the local economy, to thoughtfully cultivate an environment that feels welcoming every shopper, and to fully embody the compelling cooperative values like democratic member control and member economic participation. Our board has an important role to play in achieving these goals.
Board elections are coming up. Look for information soon about the “Meet Your Future Board Members” event scheduled for late September. It’s a great opportunity to meet and engage those running to serve you.
In October, member-owners will elect three members to the board. Once you have familiarized yourself with your outstanding candidates through reading their candidate statements and attending our September event, follow the simple steps for casting your ballot for the candidates you feel will both serve you and the inspiring cooperative goals we share.
Want more information about board membership or the role of the Board of Directors for Monadnock Food Co-op? You can always contact us at [email protected].