Slash Your Trash!

A Challenge Engaging Food Co-op Members on Waste Reduction & Climate Justice
Organized by Member Food Co-ops of the Neighboring Food Co-op Association

Pledge NOW!

From April 2 – April 22 take the Slash Your Trash Challenge with us at the co-op! Pick up a pledge card at our customer service desk, make your pledge, and enter into a raffle to be drawn at the Monadnock Region Earth Day Celebration!

Act Now for climate justice! Join members of food co-ops across the Northeast in pledging to reduce waste and Slash Your Trash during the Month of April — the 52nd Anniversary of Earth Day in the U.S.

Did you know that the 292 million tons of waste (nearly 1,800 pounds per person every year) generated in the US in 2018 was primarily made up of plastics, paper, paperboard, and food? As individuals, we can take basic steps to reduce our waste. And working together as a community we can have a big impact!

Join your local Food Co-op and co-op members across our region to Slash Your Trash! It’s easily done

Pledge to take at least one of the actions below to Slash Your Trash.

  • Share Your Experience! Use “#SlashYourTrash”, “#NeighborCoops” and “#ActNow” and tag your local food co-op in social media posts letting friends know what you are doing.
  • Visit the United Nations #ActNow Webpage and let them know about the actions you are taking on Climate Change


Slash Your Trash Challenge Ideas & Goals

Bring your own bags & containers (shopping, veggie, bulk containers)
Bring your own mug
Scrap food Waste
Celebrate Food Waste Prevention Week
Refill not Landfill pledge
Workshops on Waste Reduction, Sustainable Shopping & More
Repair Café
Conduct a Home Waste Audit
Sustainable Sundays Toolkit, United Nations Food Systems