Coronavirus Update: 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

We truly miss hosting this year’s Monadnock Earth Festival. Due to COVID-19, we had to cancel the event, originally scheduled for Saturday, April 25. Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. While we canceled our festival, we didn’t want the day to go by without acknowledging this milestone.

In 1970, as a 25-year-old graduate student, Denis Hayes organized the first Earth Day. The resounding success of that event, which brought out 20 million Americans — 10 percent of the United States population at the time — helped spark the modern environmental movement.


Save the Date: MOTHERLOAD
Free Virtual Screening of the documentary MOTHERLOAD, followed by a live Q&A With the Filmmaker on Thursday, May 28, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Stay tuned for more details!

Follow-Up: Shoppers Recommended to Wear Masks
Last week, we shared that we recommend shoppers wear cloth face coverings while shopping at the co-op. We wanted to acknowledge that masks are not recommended for some people due to health reasons. Please keep this in mind the next time your shop here. Internally, we were able to secure an alternative for our staff, which we may not be readily available for customers.

Keene YMCA Delivery Service
The Keene YMCA now offers its members a grocery and pharmaceutical shopping service. Their staff will do your shopping for you! They will add 3% to the total receipt to cover some of the expenses incurred, and they will deliver the groceries to your door. Contact Jocelyn Frain, membership director, at [email protected] or 603-352-6002.

Great Grey T-Shirt Project Continues – Link Changes Weekly
The link to our co-op t-shirt to the Great Grey Tee Project changes weekly. Here’s this week’s link (or you can look at the alphabetically ordered t-shirts here). Each shirt costs $19. The Monadnock Food Co-op will donate all proceeds from the sales of our t-shirts to the Monadnock United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund. Proceeds amount to $10 per shirt sold.

Please reach out to me with your questions and suggestions at 603-283-5400 or [email protected].

Cooperatively yours,
Michael Faber
Monadnock Food Co-op