Staff Spotlight: Kevin Barth

We all walk into the co-op in awe, looking at the beautifully stocked shelves full to the brim with products. All those products go through one man: Kevin Barth. Though you may not see him out and about, Kevin is one of the earliest arrivals to our co-op each morning. He works diligently each day to receive all of our product shipments, which is not a small job at all! When he does get a break between shipments, Kevin co-leads our co-op’s Green Team, helping make it a more sustainable business!

I had the opportunity to sit down with Kevin and learn more about what makes him so passionate about our co-op.

The Basics

Department: Receiving

Current Position: Receiving & Green Team Leader

Years at our Co-op:  5 years

Hometown: I am originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico. I moved out here in 2000, and once I got here, I knew I was never going to leave.

Favorite Co-op Product: The house-made blondies for sure. They are my go-to!

Favorite Co-op Event: Earth Day! I am very passionate about sustainability, so this is a great way to get the community educated and involved. Our staff, vendors, and the public all come together for this great event… And it is just fun!

Special Skill/Hidden Talent: I do some woodworking, and I really like art.


Digger Deeper

What’s your food background? I like to eat! No, LOVE to eat. But I have been a receiver for 15 years. All of that experience has been in different food service operations.

What do you love about our co-op? I love seeing the same faces here every day; the vendors, the staff, the customers. There is a true feeling that this is a community gathering place rather than just another place to shop.

What do you do outside of work? All types of exercise like martial arts, running, and hiking. Hiking is probably the most enjoyable.

What sustainability initiative or cause is most important to you? Water conservation, especially having grown up in a desert area. If you don’t have water, you don’t have anything. I want to increase awareness about usage and that we take it for granted here. We have so much access to it here compared to other parts of the world.


The Fun Stuff

If you had one superpower, what it be? To read minds! There would be fewer issues and conflicts; everything would have a reason.

You’ve been given access to a large sum of money. Would you rather give everyone a free solar panel or a free composting system? A composting system. That way you are not using more materials and making good use of your food waste.

What is your favorite comfort food/family recipe? Green chile chicken enchiladas. It is a southwestern and family recipe. It’s pretty spicy!

Anything else to share? It has been great being here for so long. It is inspiring, starting from an empty building to see this business grow. And now the possible expansion! It is great to have been able to experience the entire thing.

Thanks, Kevin for everything you have done for our co-op over the past 5 years!