Our Co-op Community

The start of a new year seems like a good time to take stock of “who we are together” and how we can collectively continue to meet the needs of our diverse community.

Since our store opened almost 5 short years ago, we have accomplished an enormous amount together, including our community-supported roof top solar system, our HFFA (Healthy Food For All) program which provides discounts to those in financial need, our Round It Up program where shoppers round up their change to contribute to important community causes, and our Farm Fundwhich provides grants to help local farmers make infrastructure improvements.

As we consider plans to expand our store, how can we continue to live the Cooperative Principles and meet our Ends Statements?
We’re excited to hear ideas from our community as we move forward in our planning.

While you can always email [email protected], we invite you to attend one of five events below where you can learn more and share your vision for our co-op’s future:


Join co-op Board Members for coffee and conversation in our café so you can share what you love most about our co-op and what you would love to see at our co-op as we grow. These are informal drop-in events. Refreshments provided.
Tuesday, 1/30 from 9-10 am
Monday, 2/12 from 9-10 am
Monday, 2/12 from 11 am – noon


Expansion Input Sessions
At The Hive in the Hannah Grimes Center
Learn more from our General Manager’s presentation on the progress and plans we have made so far on our possible expansion project. Then, ask questions and contribute your input and vision for the future of our co-op so our Expansion Project Team can take your ideas into consideration during the design phase. Refreshments provided.
Tuesday, 2/20 from 6-7:30 pm
Thursday, 3/8 from 6-7:30 pm