Our Co-op is strengthened by active participation of our Member-Owners. Service to the Co-op through membership on the Board of Directors is a great way to contribute to our success and growth. I can guarantee that you will learn a great deal, be actively supported by a circle of expertise, and feel the satisfaction that comes from contributing to an inspiring initiative.
Our Board of Directors is made up of nine members each serving a three year term. We have three members completing terms in October and the Board Nominating Committee is actively guiding the process to elect three board members. Maybe you are a full Member-Owner interested in serving your Co-op in this way. Read on to find out more about the process.
As a Co-op Member-Owner you may nominate yourself to the Board of Directors to serve a term from October 2016 through October 2019. Submit your name to the Nominating Committee Chair at [email protected]. You will then be asked to complete a statement of interest and qualification. The Nominating Committee will review all potential candidates and present a slate to the full Board of Directors. Expect to complete a candidate profile, to submit a digital photo, to meet with the Nominating Committee, to attend a board meeting, and to agree to abide by the directors’ code of conduct.
Board candidates may also run by petition, requiring you—as a Member-Owner in good standing– to collect at least 50 signatures from other Co-op Member-Owners in good standing and to submit your petition to the Nominating Committee. Expect to complete the same information as outlined above. Remember, candidates may not nominate other Member-Owners, only themselves.
A slate of qualified candidates will be presented to the board in the summer and the election will culminate at the Annual Meeting in October. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters, find lots of excellent information on our website, or talk with any current board member.
It’s our co-op! Active Member-Owners make it work. We hope you will consider board membership.