Fitzwilliam, NH
In 2018, Tracie’s Community Farm, now known as Dog Days Farm, in Fitzwilliam, received one of our Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund grant awards to purchase a 6-row seeder in order to increase the efficiency of their seeding process on the farm. Their first seeding, which usually takes 8-10 hours for 18 beds, was completed in just over 4 with the new equipment! This savings of time helps the farm be more productive, grow sales, and provide more delicious food to our community!
Meet the locals at Dog Days Farm in Fitzwilliam, NH, where Jack Rixey, the farm’s owner and manager, has been dedicated to the farm for over seven years.
“The Farm Fund grant has allowed us to follow through with a project that was once out of reach due to financial constraints and has had a tangible impact on our productivity. We no longer lose an experienced employee for hours each week to seeding”, shared Jack Rixey, Farm Owner.