The Monadnock Food Co-op named Judy Rogers, owner of Prime Roast Coffee Company, the 2019 Cooperator of the Year during our Annual Meeting & Celebration.
Our Cooperator of the Year Award is given out annually to recognize a member-owner, vendor, staff member or co-op partner who exemplifies cooperative values, integral to cooperatives throughout the world. These values include self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, solidarity, honesty, social responsibility, openness, and caring for others.
The co-op recognized Judy for her triple-bottom-line business practices, community leadership, and in her open, affirming, and welcoming approach with everyone she meets.
“As a business owner, Judy supports her employees in an honest and caring way,” said Jay Smeltz, Monadnock Food Co-op’s Board of Directors Secretary. “And most importantly, she offers an open and welcoming space to every person in our community who crosses Prime Roast’s well-worn threshold.”
Thank you, Judy!