Happy Spring Fellow Co-operators!

The flowers are blooming, trees are leafing out and each day brings more light. Our co-op shines bright as the community continues to enthusiastically support our cooperative store. With all this Spring energy, your Board is working to insure your co-op is the very best it can be!

We are beginning the process for recruiting new board members and planning the Annual meeting (mark your calendars for October 20). Most importantly, we continue to have strategic conversations with store management on the future of our co-op. This involves looking at national trends, seeing how they relate to our community and responding appropriately. The store improvement project is a good example of this effort.

As always, your thoughts and ideas are appreciated and welcomed. The Board meets every third Monday of the month at Hannah Grimes. At 4:45 pm there is a block of time for coop members to voice their opinions. See you at the Co-op!