The Monadnock Food Co-op Board of Directors consists of nine members serving three-year terms. Each year three terms end, and three seats are up for election — so the Nominating Committee never rests! It is our job to make sure Member-Owners have a slate of worthy candidates to choose from.
To date this year, we have commitments from four Member-Owners* who have stepped forward to take a turn serving as board members from October 2015 through October 2018. Although we feel like we have a great group of candidates, we never want to discourage YOU from running for the board, so we will accept additional candidates until August 14th.
You can nominate yourself by submitting your name to the Board Nominating Committee via Joe Marks, Nominating Committee Chair, at [email protected]. You will be asked to submit a statement of interest and qualifications. The Board Nominating Committee will then review all candidates and present them to the full board of directors for addition to the ballot.
Or, if you would like to run by petition, you are required to collect the signatures of at least 50 other Member-Owners in good standing and submit your petition to the Nominating Committee. Candidates running by petition will be required to fill out an application packet and submit a digital photo. Candidates may not submit petitions on behalf of another Member-Owner, but only for themselves. Signed petitions are due by September 15, 2015.
So, that’s the story for this year’s election, but more importantly, we’d like YOU to think about taking a turn helping to oversee YOUR co-op. If not now, maybe next year, or the year after that… After all, it’s YOUR store. YOU own it. YOU can help guide it.
* Mary Doane, Ken Gregory, Bob Oberlander and Katie Cassidy Sutherland