Dancing for Rain!

Kathy BurkeSummer is upon us, the sun is shining but we certainly could use some rain!  Our thoughts turn to our local farmers who need rain for their crops. Let’s hope this dry spell is over soon. Besides the board doing rain dances before our meetings, we are also busy doing committee work. We currently have two active committees, Nominating and Member Linkage.

The Nominating Committee works diligently to identify and cultivate potential board members. It is an involved process that starts in the Spring and culminates with well qualified nominees on the election ballot in the Fall. Thank you to our Board members, Lisa Mahar and Mary Doane, for all your efforts ensuring we have Board members that are dedicated Co-operators!

The Member Linkage Committee is busy planning our Annual Meeting. Although Heberton Hall served us well in the past, it involved too many hours and people power to organize, therefore this year’s event will be held at the Courtyard Marriott on Sunday, October 23.  This frees leadership to focus more on the content of the meeting rather than logistics. We are grateful they have agreed to allow us to provide food from the Co-op! The theme will be “Impact” and we will have three Ted Talk-style presentations on different ways the Co-op is impacting our region.  We are delighted with this format and plan to provide more details in September.

Have a great summer and let it rain!