Ten years ago, I got a call from Joe Marks, President of the Board of Directors, at the new Monadnock Food Co-op. He asked me to consider running for the Board.
He knew our family signed on as members even before the Co-op was open. (I still get a little thrill when I’m asked at check-out if I’m a member and can answer with an enthusiastic yes and announce my member number 178!) He knew I had been delighted to make calls for the first Member Loan Campaign. (“Hi. I’m a Monadnock Food Co-op member like you and I would like to ask you to consider participating in our Member Loan Campaign to help get the Co-op up and running. The response was almost always: Please tell me more.)
But the idea of serving on the Board of Directors had never crossed my mind. I didn’t have any experience with the Co-op business model, though I’d been a Co-op member multiple times. I certainly didn’t have any experience in the grocery business. I was only moderately familiar with policy governance—the governance approach used by the Board. But I trusted Joe and respected the dedicated work he and others had done to make Monadnock Food Co-op thrive and succeed.
So, I said I would be honored to run. (Though, if I’m truthful, I didn’t love the idea of presenting myself for election…) He assured me that, if elected, there would be excellent training and sustained support.
It’s nine years—three terms—later and I am wrapping up my service on the Board of Directors. And what an exceptional experience it has been!I’ve learned that the Co-op movement has an amazing array of resources for new board members (and seasoned ones, too!) I’ve observed what a capable, visionary, dedicated General Manager can do to make the Co-op business model successful and impactful. I have gotten to know the Co-op leaders and been continually impressed. I have watched the Co-op employees lean into the Ends of Monadnock Food Co-op to bring an accessible, community-owned food market to downtown Keene; contribute to a healthy, sustainable food system; support local farmers and producers; provide educational opportunities; and contribute to an improving local economy.
It has been an honor and privilege to be part of the Board. I have served with smart, dedicated, visionary, collaborative, and supportive Board colleagues who continually impress. I’ve learned about the inspiring progressive vision of the cooperative business model. And I’ve observed over and over again an organization of people walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Lessons for a lifetime!
So, I encourage each and every one of you to consider doing what I did ten years ago when Joe called me: Say yes to running for the Board of Directors of Monadnock Food Co-op!