We Own It 2.0

Happy 2022!

The New Year offers us a time to reflect on last year’s accomplishments. Together, we impressively purchased $6 million in local goods and services. Why is this metric so vital to us? Because it’s why we formed our Co-op back in 2013, to create a healthy, sustainable food system and support local farmers and food producers. Dollars spent at our Co-op recirculate through our local economy, creating more local jobs and prosperity.

We Own It 2.0

Additionally, 2021 brought the close of our successful expansion project, the purchase of our food production facility, and most recently, in December, the purchase of an essential piece of property right in front of our store — the long narrow property located between our primary parking lot and Eagle Court.

As background on this property, the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation has owned the land for the last 10+ years. They originally planned to develop the property into a mixed-use retail and housing space. When their plans changed, and the property became available for sale this fall, we felt it was important to purchase the land. Owning this land meant we could prevent any development that could negatively impact our Co-op. More importantly, we could develop the space to benefit our community.

We are currently exploring the installation of electric vehicle charging stations on the property to provide vital infrastructure to support clean energy in our community. Other opportunities include installing a solar canopy. We are excited about what the future holds.

More Renewable Energy

In other great news, we recently increased the amount of renewable energy we produce at our Co-op. Revision Energy, an employee-owned business, installed solar panels on the expanded area of our roof.