Everyone is welcome to shop at Monadnock Food Co-op, but there are great benefits to being a Member-Owner!

About Member-Ownership

Becoming a Member-Owner means you own a share of our community owned grocery store and get to reap the benefits.

Join more than 4,900 of your friends and neighbors in owning Monadnock Food Co-op. Although you don’t have to be a Member-Owner to shop, we think the benefits of ownership are pretty great. Invest in a business that will always be locally owned. If you have any questions about membership, email [email protected]

Become a Member-Owner now!

Member-Owner Benefits:

  • Receive a $20 coupon when you join!
  • Enjoy a 10% discount once per quarter (valid for the month the discount is issued)
  • Buy in bulk and receive 10% off case pre-orders year round. Stock up and save!
  • Patronage Dividend proportional to the amount you spend at our Co-op, during profitable years.
  • Vote annually for new directors for the Co-op Board of Directors, or run for an open seat!

Community Benefits:

  • Build our local food system by supporting over 300 local producers who supply the Co-op!
  • Create a vibrant local economy that puts people before profits and keeps profits within the community.
  • Gain knowledge with workshops and newsletters.
Are you a Member-Owner looking to update or confirm contact information? 


How It Works

  • To join, invest $200 of equity up front, or in $25 installments
  • Receive your new Member-Owner packet.
  • Provide your Member-Owner card, number, or name to your cashier on each shopping trip.
  • Up to two additional designated adults in the Voting Member-Owner’s household may shop on your membership account.

For your convenience, you can invest online to become an owner today using the form if you pay the full $200 equity. Please allow 2 weeks for us to process your application and mail out your Member-Owner packet.

If you intend to invest through Membership For All, you can pay your first installment online with PayPal today, gaining benefits, then download and complete our ACH automatic withdrawal form & mail it to us or bring it into the store so we can complete your next 7 payments. Once we receive your ACH form back, we will mail out or give you your owner cards. $25 will be withdrawn from your account on the 15th of every month until you have invested the full $200, or notify our Finance Department in writing to pause your payments.

Mail form to Finance Department, Monadnock Food Co-op, 34 Cypress St, Keene, NH 03431 Of course, the quickest way to invest is in-person, at our co-op to enjoy the benefits of community membership!

If you have any questions about membership, email [email protected]

Become a Member-Owner now! 

Keene Market Community and Organizers
Keene Market Community and Organizers

About Member-Ownership

  • Ownership of our Co-op is open and voluntary to anyone who supports the purposes and principles, and who intends to make use of its services and accepts the responsibility of Member-Ownership.
  • Member-Owners have the right to attend any open Board of Directors meeting.
  • You may withdraw your equity at any time by requesting a refund.
    • Requests for withdrawal of equity are to be done in writing to our Membership Coordinator at [email protected]. Please expect two weeks for approval and processing. 
  • Food Co-ops are independent and owned by its Member-Owners. Monadnock Food Co-op demonstrates:
    • Principal 6: Cooperation among Co-ops, and shares resources with Neighboring Food Co-ops. Member-Owners cannot earn patronage refunds from our Co-op on money spent at other Co-ops in the region.
  • Patronage Dividends* are only distributed to Member-Owners with active memberships.

An active Member-Owner in good standing requires:

  1. Equity payments are current or paid in full.
  2. All contact information is current.
  3. Made a purchase in the last 12 months.

*The Board of Directors retains the right to withhold refunds when necessary to protect the Cooperative’s financial viability.