Let’s Celebrate Our Co-op!


For all our cooperative owners, employees and board members, October is an exciting and busy month. We celebrate National Co-op Month in October. Cooperatives in many different industries across America are highlighting the cooperative business model as best the way to build an economy that empowers everyone. Co-ops and their members are working together to build stronger, more inclusive, and resilient communities. Our Cooperative is no different and in October we demonstrate that power in so many ways.
We are gathering on October 28th at Stonewall Farm for our Annual Meeting and celebration. Member-Owners are invited to pre-register and attend the meeting to socialize with other Member-Owners and to hear from our Board and Management about the Co-op’s challenges and successes in the year ending June 30, 2022, and exciting plans for the year ahead. On Sunday, October 2nd Member-Owners should have received an email inviting them to vote for our Co-ops board of Directors. This year we have five candidates for three seats on the Board. Our Nominating Committee is excited to offer these quality individuals to bring new energy to the Board’s work. Watch your inbox for more information on each candidate, how you can cast your vote, and register to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting. If you are a Member-Owner and did not receive an invite to vote, please email [email protected] to receive your voting ID and Key. On behalf of the Board, I encourage you to participate in this experiment in economic and community development!

Also during October, the Board reviews the policy on Ends, arguably the most important of our policies. “Ends” are statements about the purpose of an organization, and why it exists, so the statements are about the most important and beneficial reasons for our existence. Here are the Ends Statements for our Co-op:

Monadnock Food Co-op exists to meet our community’s needs for:

  1. An accessible, community-owned downtown food market
  2. A marketplace that welcomes and connects the community
  3. A healthy, sustainable food system
  4. The support of local farmers and producers
  5. Appropriate education and training for the community
  6. A strong, sustainable, and improving local economy

This is the Board’s opportunity to look at the full scope and impact of our cooperative’s contributions to Keene and the Monadnock Region. In that process, we consider the evidence that demonstrates the efforts made in the last year to fulfill our purpose and to appreciate the benefit of the cooperative business model and what it is bringing not only to our shoppers and owners but to everyone who lives and works in the region.