Forecasting Finances and Patronage Rebates

Kathy BurkeThe Co-op’s continued success is keeping your Board of Directors focused on the future.  With the guidance of our General Manager, we annually review the trends in the natural foods industry and this is reflected in efforts to improve the co-op’s offerings.

With those trends in mind, we are asking ourselves “where do we want to be a year from now, five years from now?” This summer, we will be working closely with our management team and auditors to review future capital needs, and after only three years of business, we will be making a decision on patronage refunds! A Member-Owner’s refund is based on a percentage of the amount they spent at the co-op in the last fiscal year.  The board and management have been reviewing NH State law, our bylaws and finances in order to make an informed decision for our membership.

As we focus on the future, the board continues to fulfill its other obligations.  One of these is to oversee and compensate our General Manager.  We just approved a two year compensation package with Michael.  Michael offers us wise guidance we are very fortunate to have him leading our Co-op!

Your input and ideas are encouraged as we move forward.  You can email us at [email protected] or come to a board meeting. We meet the third Monday of the month at Railroad Square Senior Housing at 4:45pm.

Kathy Burke
Board President