Greetings, Member-Owners!
The Monadnock Food Co-op is owned by our community. Collectively, we are more than 4,700 Member-Owners supporting a vibrant local food system. How awesome is that??
Co-ops thrive and depend on active memberships. We count on our Member-Owners to support us by shopping at the Co-op and letting us know how we can serve you better. This is your grocery store.
We welcome your participation. Stop by Customer Service and make sure your contact information is up to date and correct. Reading our monthly newsletters will tell you what’s happening at our store. Fill out a customer comment form anytime, or participate in our biennial shopper surveys.
The Board of Directors represent you in the governance process, so be sure to vote in our elections! Go to our website and learn about our mission and the principles that guide us, then contact a Board Member and let us know what you think. Attend a Board Meeting; they are held on the 3rd Monday of each month and are open to our Member-Owners. Want to be more involved? Run for the Board of Directors!
Prefer a more informal approach? Come to our Annual Meeting on Oct 24th, 2024. There you can talk with members of the Board, the staff, and other Co-op Member-Owners, while enjoying local food, wine and beer samples from our store. It’s a fun, relaxing evening!
Our Co-op is only as strong as our active membership. Let us know how we can serve you better.
In Cooperation,
Sue Lefferts
Board Member, Member Linkage Committee Chair