Why Celebrate Local Food and Farms?

Oliver Levick, Elise Hodgdon, and Wilson of Monadnock Berries in Troy, NH.

Together, we’re cultivating healthier citizens, communities, and economies.

As we celebrate NH Eats Local Month, let’s also focus on why local food and farms are so important to us.  Thank you to all the individuals, programs, policies, and initiatives that continue to build a more robust local and regional food system in our corner of the state and throughout New England.

“It’s really about community, about knowing your farmer — not just as your farmer — but as your neighbor.”

~ Colleen Stewart, NH Food Alliance

“Food is Culture. Food is Health. Food Creates Jobs.”

~ Food Forward NYC

Why do you celebrate Local Food and Farms? 

We’d love to hear your answer. Please email your answer to [email protected].