Co-op Sustainability
Our community-owned business is designed to value the Triple Bottom Line:
people, planet, and profit, with the primary purpose of meeting the needs of our 4,900+ Member-Owners.
Learn more about how we practice environmental & social responsibility at our Co-op.

Green Team
We practice environmental responsibility daily within the store and continue to look for ways to improve our environmental impact.
Our Sustainability Coordinator leads our Green Team, which consists of staff members from different departments. They work together to help our Co-op’s staff understand sustainability initiatives, develop new projects, and improve, recreate, or refine these ideas.
The Green Team is responsible for projects such as increasing our landfill diversion rates, cleaning up litter, creating art on the Co-op windows, and more!

Green Building & Solar Panels
- We invested over $100,000 to make our building very energy efficient!
- We considerably increased insulation beyond the standard R values.
- We use a system to recover the waste heat produced by our cooler compressor to heat our hot water.
- We use LED lighting and we have certain light fixtures connected to motion detectors to switch lights off when they’re not needed.
- The entire span of Monadnock Food Co-op’s roof is the host of the first locally-owned community-supported solar project in the Monadnock Region.
- It is locally developed, funded, owned, and controlled, whereas most community solar projects are owned and controlled by developers or utilities.
- This project enabled Monadnock Sustainability Network, with the support of Antioch University of New England, to develop the NH Community Supported Solar Guide so that other institutions can replicate this project easily, bringing more renewable energy to our region.
- 40 new panels were added to the Co-op’s existing 106-panel array. We worked with Enfield, NH-based ReVision Energy to complete the addition, we look forward to seeing an increase in our production capacity and help increase renewable energy in our region. ReVision will maintain both arrays to ensure all of our panels are operating at optimum levels for decades to come.
- When the sun is shining, the solar panels on the roof of our Co-op produce electricity that is either used in real-time by the Co-op, or fed back to the grid where it benefits our community by reducing pollution (and earns us a credit.)
- The combined annual generation from both arrays will equal roughly 71,400 kilowatt-hours (kWhs) of electricity, offsetting the equivalent of over 125,500 miles driven in a gas-powered car, and keeping more than 81,000 lbs of carbon out of the atmosphere every year.

- We have been giving our quality back-of-house food scraps to local livestock farmers to use as feed since we opened. Contact us if you are interested in using our scraps.
- We have been commercially composting our organic waste since January 2016!
Commercial (or industrial, as it’s sometimes called) composting allows us to compost all organic waste such as meat scraps, bones, post-consumer food waste from the café, wax boxes, PLA#7 cutlery, cups, clamshells, all paper products, and more! Learn more about the process in the Compostable Bioplastics section of this webpage!
- Since the compostable plastics we use are made of plant resin, they are not recyclable, only compostable. Feel free to bring any containers back to our café to be composted!
All the organic waste is brought to Windham Solid Waste Management District in Brattleboro by Elm City Compost.
- We recycle our grease from the kitchen through Baker’s Commodities, which repurposes it into ingredients for lubricants, animal feed, and biofuel

Compostable Bioplastics (PLA#7)
In February 2023, the Co-op transitioned from recyclable plastic to compostable plastic clamshell containers in our Produce, Bulk, Cheese, Grab & Go, and Meat Departments. We also offer commercially compostable plastic cutlery, hot and cold coffee cups and lids, hot bar and soup cups, and bags in the produce and bulk departments.
The new compostable clamshell containers have raised tops, and signs are on the shelves to identify this compostable packaging. These containers can be composted in-store at our café waste station – look for the compost waste bin.
Compostable plastics do not break down in the usual backyard compost pile. Industrial composting facilities, such as Windham Solid Waste Management District in Brattleboro and Martin’s Farm in Greenfield, manage organic waste in windrows, which are large piles tended to with methods that allow the waste to be composted in a safe and efficient manner. Because of these facilities, we can accept a wide range of organic waste to be composted.
Since the compostable plastics we use are made of plant materials, they are not recyclable, only compostable. Feel free to bring any containers to our café bin to be composted!
If you’re looking for a home composting option in Keene, we recommend Elm City Compost. They have drop-off bins adjacent to the Co-op parking lot on Eagle Court for those who subscribe to their service.
Transitioning away from plastic products has allowed our Co-op to divert over 50% of all our waste from landfills every month!

Recycling & Re-Using
- We recycle glass, aluminum, paper, and plastics #1 & #2 through the City of Keene.
- In the back of the house we recycle all our plastic case wrap through TREX, who turn it into materials for decks!
- We offer a range of reusable products, from mugs and water bottles to bags and jars!
- We make it easy to reuse containers in our bulk aisle: Use the scale to weigh the empty container, note the tare on the container, and then fill it with any of our bulk products!
- We reuse boxes from deliveries, often removing the need for bags altogether!

NEW Recycling for Customers!
We are excited to announce the beginning phase of our Zero Waste Recycling Station. We are starting with soft plastic recycling through TREX, the same company we use for our back-of-the-house plastic recycling Some of the accepted soft plastics are bags such as grocery bags and Ziplocs, case wrap, for example, the plastic that paper towels come in, bubble wrap, air pillows, and more. Look for the purple bin to the right of the shopping carts in the main lobby of our Co-op. Check out the TREX website or email [email protected] for more information!

Alternative Transportation
- The City Express Bus has a stop right behind the Co-op, on Community Way!
- We participate in the Bicycle Benefits program, with the official sticker on your helmet, we will give you a free snack!
- In 2018, the co-op was recognized with a Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Business award by the League of American Bicyclists.

Monadnock Region Earth Festival
We love hosting the annual Monadnock Region Earth Festival. We fill the space from Railroad Square all the way back to the co-op with local vendors, artists, farmers, and producers to celebrate the Earth and our community’s commitment to sustainability.

Social Responsibiliy
Our store supports our community every day by providing local and healthy food choices to consumers and financially supporting the local farmers and producers in our region. The Co-op currently carries products from over 300 local farmers and producers located within 110 miles of our store.
As part of our social responsibility, we also offer support to the larger community through a variety of programs and events. Our Healthy Food for All Program is an innovative approach to making healthy food more accessible to those in financial need. We hold an annual Ice Cream Social Fundraiser to support the efforts of one area local non-profit and donate products and gift cards to countless others throughout the year.
We’ve created 100+ jobs since opening. The ripple effect of these local jobs will strengthen our local economy and community.