Bulk Order Form
Supply challenges continue to be present for some products. We cannot guarantee your order or itβs expected arrival date. We will continue to do everything we can to secure your order. Thank you for your patience.
You can order any product in bulk, a case, in the quantity that the product comes in (for example cases of 6 or 12 items, or in bags usually between 1 and 50 pounds) from our produce, grocery, frozen dairy, bulk, cheese and meat, and seafood departments using our bulk order form.
One exception is in the Wellness department where you only need to order a minimum of 3 of any one product.
PLEASE NOTE: Special Orders
In our Meat & Seafood and Wellness departments, we can order almost any product (that we donβt carry) in smaller quantities for you. For special orders, you will pay the suggested retail price. Please talk to an associate for such special orders.
See the Zero Waste Bulk Foods We Offer
Monadnock Food Co-op Member-Owners receive a 10% discount off the total price of the product ordered (except when the item is already on sale). Everyone else receives a 5% discount off of the total price of the product ordered (again, except when the item is already on sale).
Zero Waste Bulk Foods Pre-order Directions
Submit your bulk pre-order online using the form below.
We also offer pre-order slips at the co-op’s Customer Service counter. Have questions? Call 603-355-8008 and ask for a grocery associate to assist you with your bulk pre-order.