Our Co-op
Monadnock Food Co-op opened its doors in 2013. It is cooperatively owned and operated by people in the community. All are welcome to shop!

Our Mission
Monadnock Food Co-op exists to meet the community’s needs for:
- An accessible, community-owned food market
- A marketplace that welcomes, serves, and connects community
- A healthy, sustainable food system
- The support of local farmers and producers
- Education to promote healthy living
- A strong, sustainable and improving local economy
Cooperatives, Monadnock Food Co-op included, are guided by seven internationally recognized principles that help us stay connected and accessible to our owners and our community. These principles are:
- Voluntary & Open Membership
- Democratic Member Control
- Member Economic Participation
- Autonomy & Independence
- Education, Training, & Information
- Cooperation Among Cooperatives
- Concern for Community

Our History
Early organizers of Monadnock Food Co-op recognized a significant community need; a place to shop seven days a week where community members could purchase healthy and locally produced foods. Prior to our Co-op’s existence, community members would need to visit multiple farms, farm stands, and farmers’ markets to get access to all of the products now available at our Co-op.
2006-2009: Volunteers formed a committee to bring the community’s vision for a cooperative forward.
2010 – 2012: The Monadnock Food Co-op was incorporated in April 2010. The Board contracted with National Cooperative Grocer Association (NCGA) Development Co-op to plan our co-op’s store design and layout, project fundraising, and guide management through the first 3 years of operations.
2013: The Monadnock Food Co-op opened on April 3, 2013.
2019 – 2020: On December 15, 2019, the co-op successfully concluded the acquisition of its current facility along with the neighboring land, which allowed for a significant expansion of 6,700 square feet. The expansion project reached completion in January of 2021, resulting in a newly expanded store spanning an area of 19,900 square feet.
2023: Keene’s first public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations went online in our parking lot, thanks to our partnership with Monadnock Sustainability Hub.
2023: The Co-op celebrated its 10th anniversary in April 2023 with its annual Earth Fest, a 3-day flash sale, local tastings, and more.